Sebastian Harris, Donor Family

Sebastian Harris Register in honor of Sebastian

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I'm grateful my son chose to be a donor...

My life changed forever in October 2014, when I got a call my 21-year-old son, Sebastian Harris, was hurt, and I needed to come right away. I got to his apartment and police told me he passed away. My last hug was thru a body bag in a parking lot. I went home in a fog and a wreck. That same night I got a call from the Donor Network of Arizona, as my son was a registered donor, which I knew, but of course hadn’t thought about. Although it was a difficult time, and call, the woman I spoke with was amazing, and the call was actually comforting. I am so grateful my son made the choice to be a donor, and that there are people having a better quality of life because of him. It helps me to continue day by day without him. I wish everyone would become a donor. It helps the loved ones left behind as much as it helps save lives.

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  1. August 5th, 2024 | Tanya fletcher |

    Auntie I am just finding out about all of this please get ahold of me as soon as you can I'll miss him and I miss you auntie Love you tanya

    • December 4th, 2024 | Dianne |

      I've tried to get a hold of you Tanya. My phone number has never changed if you still have it

  2. December 5th, 2022 | Tessa |

    I know I am super late to this but wanted to share my condolences. Sebastian was a close friend of mine when we were around 10-12 years old. We both lived on Fair Oaks street and spent most of our time out of school playing outside around his complex or riding bikes throughout the neighborhood with another boy that lived across the way. They are some of the best moments from my childhood! I remember getting in to an epic squirt gun fight at his complex with him and the other boy we played with which resulted in me cracking my head open. I still remember his face when he realized what happened. He immediately stopped the playing so that they could walk me home. I ended up needing 5 stitches. I’m not sure if his mother knew any of this as I don’t think we hardly ever went into his house more than twice within that time, and spent all of our time outside, but I have a lot of great memories with him. So many, that when I went to look him up a few years back to see how he was doing, and learned the devastating news, it was heartbreaking even though we had been out of touch for awhile. So glad that I got to spend the amount of time I did with him. He is a key memory of my childhood. So happy some good can come out if this in the end.

    • April 19th, 2023 | Anonymous |

      Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with me (his mom, Dianne) maybe we could meet someday soon. I'm on facebook under Dianne Harris Sedrick

  3. October 8th, 2022 | Traci |

    Thank you for helping others through your gift of organ donation. I didn't know or your family but your sweet mom is keeping your memory alive which brought me here to honor you and say thanks.

    • April 19th, 2023 | Dianne Sedrick, Sebastians mom |

      Thank you for your reply, sweet of you

  4. October 9th, 2021 | Charles Neptune |

    Sebastian was always one of my best friends growing up. We understood each other and connected in a way only the best of friends could, we felt like outcasts but we had eachother. From talking on the phone for hours while playing the Ps2, to getting into deep philosophical conversations. He always had such a thought provoking response. As we got into later years in High School and I transferred, we started losing touch. And I guess I've never forgiven myself for that. I love you Sebastian and miss you brother. I wish we could have had a beer together, once I got into it lol. I always have one for you anways. Black Hole Sun plays and I know you're with me. I cant wait to get into MGS, I know you'll be there with me every step of the way.

    • November 16th, 2021 | Dianne Sedrick |

      Thank so much for sharing your friendship with my son, it means more to me than you will ever know

      • December 30th, 2021 | Ashley Bryant |

        I didn't get to know you but I'm your brothers good friend who loves him so very much. I saw this on your mommas wall and what a blessing youve given others being a donor. I'm also a Donor and have been for many years. Rest well. Please tell Wesley I love him and to stay close because I'm not sure how to go on anymore. He is who I turned to. Rip. Thank you for being such a blessing to others.

  5. July 9th, 2021 | Sara Harris |

    Sebastian was my little brother. I have always been a donor, but this just solidifies that decision for me. He was such a smart young man, gone way too soon. I know the people working for the Donor Network were able to approach the situation and help my mother through such a hard thing at a difficult time. I commend the work that they do every day for so many people.

    • September 25th, 2021 | Anonymous |

      Thank you

    • November 16th, 2021 | Dianne Sedrick |

      Very true

  6. June 27th, 2021 | Linda T a friend |

    I knew Seb casually from Starbucks with your parents. We had lots in common even though I’m old enough to be his granny. He was quiet but very knowledgeable. We had a few good convos and I certainly loved how beautiful inside and out he was. I was away from AZ when he left the earthly life and was very sad of the news. Funny how short I knew him but what an impact he had on me. And I find myself thinking of him. 🙏

    • June 27th, 2021 | Dianne |

      Thank you for the nice memories you have of him. You two had lots in common

  7. June 26th, 2021 | Anonymous |

    Seeing the positive impact Sebastian had on so many lives, making the decision to Donate Life didn't require much thought. I hope others will follow his lead as well.

    • June 26th, 2021 | Bob Harris |

      I didn't mean to post anonymously. Sebastian was my nephew. I miss him terribly but I'm proud of what he did for others.

      • June 26th, 2021 | Dianne |

        Thanks Bobby, means allot to me

        • June 26th, 2021 | Krista Carter |

          Sebastian was my bestfriend for 9 years, and even though I don't get to have him close to me anymore the comforting thought is that he will carry on and has saved lives by being an organ donor. His mother Dianne is an amazing person who raised an amazing son.

          • June 26th, 2021 | Anonymous |

            Thank you, Krista. Love you
            | Flag

  8. June 25th, 2021 | Jody Yarbrough |

    Hi Dianne. I didn’t know your son and I only knew you casually in school. We reconnected as many did, still very casually, on social media. My heart feels your pain and Sebastian’s pain when I think about his loss. I admire how strong you were to honor his wishes to be a donor. I admire your strength to keep him alive in your heart. I’m sure he was a wonderful young man with so many great virtues. I wish joy from your memories and peace in your heart. Jody

    • June 25th, 2021 | Dianne |

      Thank you SO SO much. I truly appreciate you taking the time to do this, more than you'll ever know

    • December 4th, 2024 | Samantha L. |

      Diane, I have only gotten to know you over the last year and have learned what an amazingly strong woman you are to have endured all that you have! Sebastian sounds like he was a great human too! Thank you for the blessing of organ donation, my uncle just received a kidney this month and he is doing amazingly well, he is so vibrant and happy now, a trait he didn't truly have before. I believe the recipients take on traits of their donors and Sebastian truly lives on with the ones he saved, a true hero!


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