Jordan “Jordie” Demitri Martinson, Donor

Jordan “Jordie” Demitri Martinson Register in honor of Jordan

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Jordan was a very hard worker, free-spirited, and got along with everyone....

Jordan Demitri Martinson, better known as Jordie, 23, was taken away from us in April 2023 at Banner Heart hospital in Mesa after a lifelong battle with asthma. He suffered a severe asthma attack, which led to respiratory arrest. He remained on external support until every test was done that would declare him brain dead. He received many farewells from family and friends who will continue to honor the legacy of a life well lived.

Jordan was an adventurous little boy. During childhood, he enjoyed playing with trucks, dinosaurs, and watching the Land Before Time. At 6 years old, he became a boy scout (tiger cub). He loved spending time with his family, going camping, shooting BB guns, and his bow and arrow. As he grew older, he took a liking to hiking, fishing with his grandpa, kayaking, paddle boarding, and spending his days at the lake. Gaming also played a role in Jordan’s life until the day he passed. Jordan made countless friends while playing online, and often would be the life of the party chat.

Jordan was a very hard worker, free-spirited, and got along with everyone.

Jordan loved all of his friends and family. He would always be gaming, texting or sending TikToks to one of them at any given moment. He always made sure his friends and family were doing well, and if they weren’t, he would do everything he could to help them out.

Jordan brought light to countless people’s lives and always did the right thing, no matter what that entailed. Jordan lived with grace, positivity and always put others before himself. He will be forever loved, and missed, but all of us should feel truly blessed that he was a part of each of our lives.

He is not only our hero, but a hero to the families he saved through his gifts of donation and additional research.

If you’re not yet an organ donor, please consider registering. My brother lives on in the lives he saved, and still sees the world through others.

Become a part of Jordan “Jordie” Demitri Martinson's story. Click Here.

  1. December 18th, 2023 | Carrie Martinson |

    Jordan I will miss you always and forever. You’ve always been my Hero now your gifts of life you’ll be their Hero as well. I Love you my son. I thank you for all the special times we’ve spent together and the Love you showed me as your Mom. And you’ve been a great son, brother, grandson, uncle, cousin. and friend to many. Your smile your respect for others, And your heart of gold❤️Especially your sense of humor and kindness for others. I will take care of your dog Leo he misses you so much he stays in your room till I get home from work.


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