John Marc Bouchard, Donante

John Marc Bouchard Regístrate en honor de John

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One life was lost that day, but 26 were saved...

My big brother John had always been my hero growing up. He was smart, intelligent and always tried to protect me and our parents from harm. He was always trying to do right by people. I used to call him the “King of Second Chances.” He always believed that someone’s past was not always their potential. He always made time for people, and seemed to always remember the smallest detail. He was a devoted father, brother and son.

For as much as he loved giving all of himself to people, he wasn’t too keen on the idea of organ donation. “What if I’m not dead?” he’d always ask. One day after his divorce he’d asked me to help him update the address on his license. At the end it asked if he wanted to register as an organ donor. I remember joking with him and telling him to stop acting like a scared child and register. Instead of telling me to go pound sand he paused and said, “Why not, I’ll be dead, right,” and winked at me.

Two months later he was driving home after working a 19-hour day and fell asleep behind the wheel…One life was lost that day, but 26 were saved.

I am now a lung transplant coordinator sharing my brother’s story with my patients and the world, in hopes that it touches someone out there similar to him.

Conviértete en parte de la historia de John Marc Bouchard haciendo clic aquí.

  1. abril 2nd, 2020 | Kristie |

    Thank you for sharing your story and doing the work that you do, my daughter has cystic fibrosis; you and your brother are hero's in my eyes!

  2. septiembre 7th, 2017 | John Crawford |

    Knowing how much this story impacted your life, I am glad you are sharing it, and especially proud you have moved into the transplant world as a nurse!

  3. septiembre 7th, 2017 | Anonymous |

    Amazing tribute, Cesca...He's living on in the hearts of his family, and now in the minds of others who now know his story.

    • septiembre 7th, 2017 | Terri Jax-Denney |

      Not anonymous...forgot to enter my name! :-)

  4. septiembre 6th, 2017 | Johanna Moeller |


  5. septiembre 6th, 2017 | Johanna Moeller |

    God bless you and your family. My husband is a liver transplant recipient. He revived a transplant in November 2015. We will be forever grateful. The gift of life is imeasurable.

    • septiembre 6th, 2017 | Francesca |

      Thank you! I hope your husband is thriving & living life to the fullest! I love hearing stories like this!

    • septiembre 6th, 2017 | Francesca |

      Thank you! I hope your husband is thriving & living life to the fullest! I love hearing stories like this!

  6. septiembre 5th, 2017 | Lisa Peak |

    WOW!! What a legacy. Thanks for sharing


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