Jeff Tallman, Living Donor

Jeff Tallman Register in honor of Jeff

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I'd love for our story to be heard...

My name is Jeff Tallman. In July 2024, I donated my kidney to a close friend of over 40 years.

We both grew up in a small town in east central Nevada. Growing up in a small community provides the opportunity to develop lifelong friendships. That was the case with Kelly and I. Growing up, we were close friends. We played sports together, hung out together and I even worked for his family at a restaurant they owned. Throughout the years, we kept in touch and remained close friends.

About 3 years ago, his kidney disease went from stage 2 to stage 5. He was on daily dialysis for 8-10 hours a day. Once I found out about his diagnosis, I immediately offered to get tested to see if I was able to donate my kidney to him. After extensive medical testing, it was determined that I was a candidate and a match to donate to him. As I previously mentioned, our surgery was in July 2024. I’m so glad to report that both of us are doing amazing. He has returned to living a normal life and my body has adjusted to going from one kidney to two. It’s been an amazing experience for both of us and I’d love for our story to be heard. I would like to be a resource to people that might be considering becoming a living donor.

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