James Byron Greer, Donante

James Byron Greer

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He saved lives and accomplished truly wonderful things...

James Byron Greer was born on March 2, 2005. He gained his angel wings in December 2018.

Everything Byron did, he did big. He loved big, he played big, he danced big, he dreamed big, and he gave big. His last selfless act was the gifting of his organs, which have already changed the fate of three women and their families. He lives on through his amazing gift. Byron’s life was too short, yet he managed to accomplish truly wonderful things. He changed lives. He saved lives. He died a hero.

Byron, you will forever be remembered by all of us. We love you.

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  1. mayo 28th, 2024 | jc |

    forever and always bubs👾❤️ i miss u

  2. diciembre 29th, 2019 | Lauren knight |

    I will help spread the message of life, love and hope in memory of Byron! What an honor to donate life!

    • mayo 29th, 2024 | jc |

      ❤️❤️ i miss him daily


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