Evan Bowling, Donor

Evan Bowling Register in honor of Evan

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He was a unique charismatic young man....

Evan wasn’t like every 15-year-old out there. He was a unique charismatic young man. He loved his brother and sisters, and his mom was his rock he loved her dearly. Evan loved the outdoors and going to his great grandparents ranch in Texas. We would go fishing in the summers and hunting in the winters. His brother and him would sit in deer stands together waiting patiently for one of those big bucks to step out of the brush. Unfortunately, they never got their big bucks but they had a blast together anyways. He was his sister’s protector and taught his older sister Riley how to skateboard and his younger sister Madison how to properly take care of herself if anything was to happen to her. His uncle Trey taught him how to drive a truck and tractor on his Papa’s farm and his uncle Justin taught him how to be a respectful loving young man. He was his Nana’s pride and joy, and they loved spending time together. He looked up to his Papa and wanted to be like him. In Evans’ eyes his Papa was his hero. 15 years wasn’t long enough for me and every day that goes by I wish we could have had more time together. But his life lives on in all the lives he saved. And in time I hope that will bring comfort in all the lives he touched during his short time here. He was an amazing friend, son, brother, grandson and nephew and so much more to all the people that loved him and had the privilege of being in his life. He will forever be missed!! We will always cherish and love the moments and memories we were able to make together. Evan will forever and always be my HERO AND GUARDIAN ANGEL!!!! TIL WE MEET AGAIN SON I LOVE YOU MORE ALWAYS AND FOREVER!!

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  1. December 21st, 2023 | Joshua Baca |

    Agreed... he was a mystery until he let you in. I'm very thankful to have been a part of his life and the memories he left with me and my family. He will be very missed and never forgotten. Rest easy and be at peace until we meet again.

  2. December 19th, 2023 | Sunnie Sanchez |

    Evan was a mystery for sure never talked too much about his personal life unless u we’re supper close to him since the first day I met him he has always had my back and stayed by my side though my hardest times he gave me hope that tomorrow things will be different and I will be able to do different things he gave me advice that my own father couldn’t give me, he was my shoulder to cry on if I needed, my happiness that life has taken from me throughout my life, and he was my smile when I didn’t have one on my face he always made sure I was safe, I didn’t feel safe around anyone but him, after everything that’s happened in my life he gave me hope and a reason to wake up and go to school, to get a job, or to just be here as a person. I always tried my hardest to show him the same affection, because he deserved it more than I did, he was my BEST FRIEND and he always will be maybe in another universe we will be together again. Meeting Evan was the best decision of my life and I will never ever regret it I love him and his family with all my heart always and forever ♾️


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