Debra Knoblauch, Beneficiado

Debra Knoblauch Regístrate en honor de Debra

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I am forever grateful...

I am forever grateful for the gift of life and wellness. In 2013, I received a liver from a young man I never met; a man I hold in my heart and honor each day. Words cannot describe the gratitude I hold for this man who made the decision to be an organ donor, a choice that ultimately saved my life. He gave me a second chance at life and more time with my kids, family and loved ones.

My kidneys also failed and never bounced back, landing me on the kidney transplant list. My niece was a match made in heaven and donated a kidney to me in 2014, giving me the gift of wellness. Her decision was one of tremendous love, faith, and bravery. She is an inspiration to many, including me. I treasure our relationship and am so thankful for her choice.

Each day I thank God, my donors, Mayo Clinic physicians, nurses and staff, my family and loved ones. I share my story to encourage others to have hope and faith and to be an organ donor, a life saver, a hero. It’s a choice that affects and blesses so many lives, one that makes miracles happen.

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