Courtney Wagner, Donor

So far, 9 people have registered in honor of Courtney. You can too.

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Courtney was 17 years old when she had a brain hemorrhage...
When the doctors told her family that she was brain dead and there was no hope for life, they were obviously devastated.Courtney was such a caring and loving young lady, one who was adored by literally everyone that knew her, she had no enemies and never met a stranger. A girl that knew how to make others feel special and loved. She had a conversation with her family about her desire to be an organ donor when she was 16. Her family never thought that they would see that day come. When it did, they honored her desire to save others lives.
Her family says that it has been the biggest blessing that has come from their personal tragedy.
“To share the beautiful daughter and sister that we adored with others in need is a comfort to us. That others can continue to live with their loved ones is what she would have wanted, and part of what keeps us going. We give praise and thanks to God, our savior, that he allowed her and us to be instrumental in giving so lovingly to others. We strongly encourage others to get involved and get registered to donate. When you can no longer use them, someone else desperately needs them!”
Courtney’s family encourages you to become a registered donor because you can make a difference! They strongly believe it is the most beautiful gift you will ever give.
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