Chase Hunter Rae Lemons, Donor

Chase Hunter Rae Lemons Register in honor of Chase

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Our son left a wonderful legacy...

Chase was 18 years old and taken from this world by the hands of violence way too young. He was smart, funny, kind, generous, selfless and everything in between. He loved cheeseburgers, tacos, chorizo, Oreos, mint chocolate chip ice cream and his sister’s homemade chocolate chip cookies. He was supposed to graduate high school in May and had just started DoorDashing. He loved hanging out with his friends, but also loved hanging out with his family. He loved playing baseball when he was younger, and always enjoyed working out on his pullup bar and jogging. He loved his younger sister and brother so much, and although they would fight, he always took such good care of them. When Chase turned 16, he chose to become an organ donor. Then again when he renewed his license in 2020, he re-registered as an eye, organ and tissue donor. He knew from a very young age that he wanted to extend the gift of life to others. His father and I then chose to extend his gifts to further research because we know that Chase would have wanted that. Even though we can no longer hug our son or hold him tight, he was able to save five lives with his organs, and so many more to come from his eyes and tissues. What a wonderful legacy our son left behind.

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  1. June 18th, 2024 | Carl Grossman |

    My name is Carl H Grossman. I am the recipient of Chase Lemon's heart. I could not be more grateful, more fortunate or more proud to be the recipient of Chase's gift. Most people never meet their heroes. My hero literally lives inside me. I'm leaving this here after having exchange letters with his mother and family and we have all expressed desire to meet. I'm hoping that we can shorten the time to that meeting by giving them my full name here. So if you know them please pass this along.

  2. May 6th, 2022 | Brittany Reese |

    I only met Chase once and I can tell you he is a wonderful young man! His smile lit up the room! He has such amazing and loving parents and siblings who will miss him dearly!! I wish I got to know him better to see what everyone else got to see of him! I know he’s looking over his family and has his arms wrapped around them ever so tightly!!!! Fly high young man!!! Also look at all the amazing lives you saved! You should be so proud!

  3. May 6th, 2022 | Elizabeth Maynard |

    What a beautiful thing for someone so young to understand. He is an inspiration for so many with the gift he provided so many in so few years on earth. My heart breaks for all that have known your son. I pray that the Lord will ease your pain in time and in due time you will feel the glory of his presence protecting you and your heart.

  4. May 6th, 2022 | Jackie Showalter |

    Chase is my grandson and was a wonderful kid who did not deserve this! It has left a whole in our hearts that can never be healed! But as a donor, we are all extremely proud to know Chase will live on! You well never be forgotten our sweet boy! πŸ’›πŸ‹


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