Traci Helms, Donante registrado

Traci Helms Regístrate en honor de Traci

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I've been a registered organ donor for many years...

I’ve been a registered organ donor for many years. My daughter Sunni registered to be an organ donor in April of 2014 when she got her driver’s license. Little did we know then, but just a few short months later she would become a donor. I am so proud of her for making that decision, and I will never regret upholding her decision to be a donor.

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  1. diciembre 17th, 2019 | Andipants |

    U are such an amazing person my frnd! I pray I'm never forced to have to choose what to do with any of my babies organs but if so I'll definitely donate.I honestly don't know if I could say that if I hadn't met u! I luv & miss ur beautiful face!

    • mayo 28th, 2020 | Traci Helms |

      Thank you Andi. That was very sweet of you to say. I hope you never have to make that decision as well, but I promise if you did you would never regret it. I miss you and the girls. We have to do Vegas this summer!!


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