Richard Jean “RJ” Lang Jr., Donor

Richard Jean “RJ” Lang Jr.

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RJ's gift helped 23 people in 10 states...

RJ was a very shy young man. He was my only child. I lost him when he was just 20 years old. He passed away while I was at work. The day he passed, Donor Network of Arizona called and asked if I would consider donating his organs. Without hesitation, I said yes. RJ’s gift helped 23 people in 10 states. Thank God that he lives on in others and helped improve their lives.

Become a part of Richard Jean “RJ” Lang Jr.'s story. Click Here.

  1. March 19th, 2018 | Mari Bailey |

    I think of RJ every single day, Susan. I thank God that you are in my life because of our sons. Love you! Mari

  2. March 5th, 2018 | Theresa |

    I have never met RJ, but he is always in my heart, as is his mother Susan. She has a powerful and loving story. In what is sure to be the hardest time in her life she chose to find love and make her son a hero to so many. Her work to spread his story always mives me. She chose to help people like me gain mobility again. I am a tissue recipient, one of the same types of tissue gifted by Susan and RJ. While I do not know who my donor was I am honored to claim RJ and Sunan as my donor and donor family. They will both be a part of me and my life forever.

  3. March 5th, 2018 | Anonymous |

    I have never met RJ, but he is always in my heart, as is his mother Susan. She has a powerful and loving story. In what is sure to be the hardest time in her life she chose to find love and make her son a hero to so many. Her work to spread his story always mives me. She chose to help people like me gain mobility again. I am a tissue recipient, one of the same types of tissue gifted by Susan and RJ. While I do not know who my donor was I am honored to claim RJ and Sunan as my donor and donor family. They will both be a part of me and my life forever.

  4. April 6th, 2013 | Connie Weaver |

    I am a friend of RJ's Mom Susan, I only met RJ once, but I remember that he was a quiet, yet friendly young man. What a wonderful gift he has provided to others.

  5. April 4th, 2013 | Cindy Baker, Aunt |

    He was a gentle soul. I know this is what he would have wanted.


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