David Aaron McBee, Donante

David Aaron McBee

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He was a kindhearted person...

My son was a kindhearted person. He protected and befriended the kids everyone picked on without even knowing how to defend himself. He always had a smile on his face and made everyone laugh. He would help all the neighbors with anything from putting up decorations, to taking out their trash. He was popular in school and loved by all his teachers. He tutored others in math and offered help to other students where he could.

David wasn’t big on sports but loved playing video games. He loved spending time with his family and was quite the jokester at times (anything for a laugh). David loved dinosaurs and wanted to find the first dinosaur remains in North America.

He will truly be missed by all his family and friends and thought of daily. As his mother no one will miss or love him more than me.

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  1. marzo 31st, 2016 | Jordan |

    He lives throughout our hearts now

  2. octubre 23rd, 2015 | Jordan |

    David was my best friend and we would play video games every time I saw him

  3. octubre 20th, 2014 | Anonymous |

    Not seeing that smile everyday is hard, but knowing that one day, I will see him again, makes it worth it. :)

  4. octubre 19th, 2014 | Elizabeth Shea Peterson |

    I was hurt knowing that he did this. But knowing he is always here with me and his family and friends makes life a lil better. It is so different without him now. I know so many people love him and miss him. I miss him so much. I wish I did something. I know he is watching over me and everyone else. I still cry at random times and think of him daily. He was a true friend and I wish he was still here. He knew everything about me, no one else did. He was an amazing guy who always had a smile on his face. I miss that about him. Rest in peace David. I will never forget you and you will forever be in my heart. <3

  5. octubre 19th, 2014 | mom |

    My David at 3 on the beach in California. I love this picture. So innocent and happy as he always was

  6. octubre 10th, 2014 | Aunt Lori |

    The thought of my nephew still living on in others doesn't replace him but helps make sense out of something senseless. David was always willing to help others and this was a way he could not only help but save others. We love and miss you everyday David.

  7. octubre 10th, 2014 | Mom |

    My hero, my son. My inspiration.

  8. octubre 10th, 2014 | kendall jenkins |

    David was not my biological son. But I help rasiie him since he was four. So he was just as much of a son to me as my own children I will miss him always and forever. I love you david mcbee.

  9. octubre 10th, 2014 | Anonymous |

    My son who I love with my whole heart. His time was to short. I miss him beyond belief.

  10. octubre 10th, 2014 | Anonymous |

    My son who I love with my whole heart. His time was to short. I miss him beyond belief.

  11. octubre 10th, 2014 | Sandie |

    Sandie just registered to become a donor in honor of David Aaron McBee


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