Amy Donohue, Donante en vida

Amy Donohue Regístrate en honor de Amy Donohue

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I never thought, two years ago, that my life would become one completely surrounded by everything kidney-related...

In January 2011, I saw a tweet from Kirti about her mom finally agreeing to be put on the list to receive a kidney transplant. I saw that tweet & responded. Kirti had always called her mom “TinyMom,” and I tested for a few weeks before I got to meet her. Through the testing and fundraising efforts, we came up with a name for the kidney I was donating, and TinyFabKidney was born.

I never thought, two years ago, that my life would become one completely surrounded by everything kidney-related! I decided last year to make a documentary about it. In May 2013, I will be driving cross-country, and into Canada, to interview other donors who I have connected with via Social Media. It’s called “Social Media Stole My Kidney!” and the support has been astounding!

I can’t wait for people to see this film and learn more about live organ donation!

Conviértete en parte de la historia de Amy Donohue haciendo clic aquí.

  1. abril 1st, 2013 | John C. F. Hodges |

    Bravo, Amy! Looking forward to meeting you in May. I'm honored you've chosen me to be a voice for donors in your film.

    • abril 15th, 2013 | Amy Donohue |

      Well, we needed a guy. Hahaha! Can't wait!!!! Thanks for all your help and support, John!

  2. abril 1st, 2013 | Anonymous |

    The world needs voices and the world of kidney disease needs exposure and heroes. I share Amy Donohue's passion and fever! I know the film will bring 12 elements into the perfect storm!Kidney disease is the "unlikely killer" and needs "unlikely heroes doing unlikely things"!


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