Allen B. Clark, Donor

Allen B. Clark Register in honor of Allen

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We remember Dad's generous spirit...

My father Allen B. Clark suffered a fatal asthma attack in early February 2013, and passed away one week later. He was just 59 years old. My dad and our family was treated with the utmost respect and dignity through the difficult process of saying goodbye and letting him go. The entire surgical team and hospital staff was moved by our decision and had tears in their eyes. A month later we were told that he saved three lives with the gift of his liver and his two kidneys. He helped restore sight to six people through his corneas and scleral tissue.

Knowing that our decision helped to brighten so many lives made us feel true joy as we remembered Dad’s generous spirit. We still miss him every day but knowing that others are living because of him, holding their own grandchildren, seeing sunrises and able to read good books, we know with all our hearts that it was the right decision. I am a registered nurse and have cared for several children who are organ transplant recipients. Several are many years post transplant and they are growing and living good lives. It has been an honor to work with the Donor Network.

Become a part of Allen B. Clark's story. Click Here.

  1. April 15th, 2014 | Tim Schaffer |

    Tim Schaffer just registered to become a donor in honor of Allen B. Clark

  2. November 26th, 2013 | Chuck F. |

    As one of the people who have been given life from this man and his family I can only say, "thank you". I will do my best to honor this gift. Donor Network is a wonderful organization, they help so many.


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