Alissa Le Schauffler, Donante

Alissa Le Schauffler

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She is still helping people in death...

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  1. noviembre 9th, 2015 | Monica Henderson |

    Alissa was to be my daughter in law and in many ways she was already, she fit perfectly into our corky crazy fun family and the first time I met her she greeted me w a hug and a "hi mom" and I knew she was the one...She always had a beautiful smile on her face and always full of unconditional love, never judging and always accetpting people the way they were. I call her my sweet girl because that's what she is, always so sweet...Alissa inspires me to not judge people and to offer more love when people need it and to be a better person all around..I love you my sweet girl and we will see you again soon and all be together as one big happy family! Thank you for accepting me as I am and loving me whole heartedly and unconditionally! See you soon, love Mom 2

  2. noviembre 9th, 2015 | Toni Aspeitia |

    Alissa was my baby sister. I trumped her by 17 years. Regardless of our age difference she was still much more wise than me and she knew the secret to a beautiful life. She proved that with her innocence and love. She knew that love is the key and she knew how to love in a greater capacity than we could ever imagine. I miss my sister greatly every single day. She may not be here any longer to share her beauty with us but we can help her to live on with the way we live. We should love without limitations or judgement and give freely of those that we cannot take with us. Help to give new chances for life when yours ends. Keep the cycle going and pay it forward. Jesus gave his life and body for us in His death. We can do the same for others. Many blessings.

  3. noviembre 3rd, 2015 | Marianne McMullen |

    Alissa Schauffler was my best friend. And though I did not grow up with her, she was the kind of friend I felt like had known my whole life. She always was there for me and made me feel like I was important. She was the best friend I could ever ask for and I loved her, love her, very very much. We had countless times of us laughing crying and just talking about every you could think of. She touched my life and impacted me unlike any friend ever has. I miss her. But even though she is no longer among us I feel her all around me. I can sense when she is and when I feel her presence I close my eyes and smile. She was special. She was the most beautiful person I have ever known and it is such a privilege to have been her best friend. Many people come and go in this life but Alissa will always be with me in my heart and in my memories. I will love her forever and she will never be forgotten. She is and always will be my best friend. "I love you Alissa... forever."


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