Christopher, Donor

Christopher Register in honor of Christopher

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He was kind and loving...

Chris was 20, and had completed a very busy day as a tire jockey at Discount Tires and an evening class of weightlifting at Pima College. He was coming home from school and fell asleep and ran a red light. Chris was hit by a Jeep right at the driver’s door. Fortunately the young man who hit him was not injured, and ran quickly to his aide. By the time the medical crew arrived he only had a faint pulse and major head injuries. After about 30 minutes he was pronounced dead at the scene. Chris was a very warm-hearted, kind and loving son and big brother to his two younger sisters and younger brother. He always tried to make everyone laugh, and as he got older he was successful. We knew he wanted to be a donor and he was able to donate parts of him, but not as much as he would have liked. I am just thankful that we were able to extend Chris’s life by donating to other people’s needs.

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